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Friday, 30 November 2012

"Sveart - Saint Vincent European Art" Competition

I would like if you could help a friend of mine. It will only take a few seconds. So, he designed the above amazing illustration/design for the "Sveart - Saint Vincent European Art" competition in Italy.  His picture represents "The movement of Art". So the only thing you have to do is follow this link for the poll : , scroll down, find his name and tick so he can win. "Menelaos Vakhou and The movement of Art."

Thank you for your time and have a lovely day.


Tuesday, 27 November 2012

All you need is....LOVE...

 There are different kinds of Love. But the important thing is to be able to Love. Love gives you hope and strength in order to continue the journey of life. Love means you will get hurt, you will cry; but Love also means you will feel happy, you will laugh and smile. Be surrounded by people that show their love to you and who are afraid to lose you. Is not about who says he/ she loves you. Is about who shows it every time and in every chance they get. To love is nothing, but to love and be loved is Everything. All things in life get complicated, because sometimes we make them that way, but is in our hands to make it all go away. Never stop showing your love to the people who deserve it. You will regret it when you won't, considering that you never took the chance to do it. When you love someone you let them know by any means. You show it. You make them feel that you do mean it and never let a moment go by without reminding to them how important it is to you that they are still next to you. 

There have been moments when I never said it and never showed it to people I had by my side. Then, the next second they were gone and I couldn't let them know. This is something that will always stay with me. They say never regret what you do, but that is not the case in a subject like "Love". Everyone needs it, but yet not everyone gets it. Is not a material; is like oxygen, because you need it to live. I read a quote somewhere, saying: "They say love is important, but I think Oxygen is more important." Anyone can make a statement like that, but deep down he/she does not really believe it. You say things like this, because you are hurt, and is okay to get hurt. It is part of life; to get hurt and hurt other people. 

Everyone thinks is expert when it comes to Love, but the real deal is that few people actually get to know what real Love is. Love is to stand by the person you care about; stick with them no matter if things get good or bad. Love is compromising and letting someone into your life in order to let you into theirs. Love is accepting the person regardless if you do not like everything about them. Love is showing. Love is letting them know. Love is to not be afraid to love. 

All you need is Love. When you love you learn to give; and you should never get tired of giving. Love will teach you to be strong and accept; but also face your fears. You only need Love, because is the only guaranteed real happiness. In every bad situation or problems you will need that love. 'It' will help you get back up and keep moving, just because there is nothing more powerful than being loved and love back.  Make every moment of it count. Do not be afraid to show love to anyone who might need it. Some people do not get to feel it as much as some others so make it count. You will then feel their love and real appreciation. Never bring people down, because life is a circle and whatever you do comes right back at you. Have faith and hope. Believe in Love so that Love will believe in you. Is the best feeling you will ever get to feel while you are alive. Love.. Love as much as you can.! Make your heart pick up every broken piece and show everyone your real love for them. You will not have many chances to do it, so never leave it for tomorrow. 


Monday, 26 November 2012

It's Monday again. . .

Well hello there,

It's Monday so hold on. Is gonna be the last week of November, but a new week indeed. Be strong and keep smiling.

If you are having problems with your relationship or if you feel hurt do not worry. Things get better, you just have to believe. If you believe in your relationship things will work out in the end; as long as you both want it. No one is perfect, you just have to look behind the imperfections and stick by them. It's a new week. Maybe you would like to get flowers to your lady as a pre-Christmas gift or just try and light up her week. If you are a lady, give your man a nice warm night, so as he 'll forget the pressure of work for some time.

Every end of any year, we always look back at this time thinking and remembering what was going on last year. Well let's be honest. Last year was either a bad or a good one. We always have to keep our most amazing and precious memories. Leave the past behind; and be grateful for what you have today. We learn from the mistakes, we take them as lessons and we move on for better and bigger things. Never stop believing in yourselves and be proud for who you are. Be kind and always smile, regardless what is happening in your lives.

Well some people listen to their heart. Others listen to their logic and there are those who they just trust their instincts. I am one of those who trust their instincts and I suggest it to you, because is so much better and easier. Not exactly easier, but is something you never regret in the end. Even if it is for a business deal or job related, maybe love problems, or general problems trust your instincts and do what you thing is the best choice to get further. It's good to take chances once in a while.

Whatever you do not stop believing. Never look back and always trust your instincts. It's a good start for your week. May you have a lovely week and do not forget to smile. :)


Sunday, 25 November 2012

Sunday quotes.

Words do not always express what we want to say out loud, but ...

No matter what is going on in your life ...

There are times that you are trying to find yourself a place that you belong to. But, while you are trying you wish ...:

They say simple is boring, but for me ...

Have a lovely Sunday all :)


Wednesday, 21 November 2012

The truth about Me and You.

Trying to get your spot in a new world is not easy. I haven't written in here for like ages and I want to apologize. I will be more active now.
So the real deal is that I moved to London a couple of months ago, and I have been trying to get a job since then.  I graduated this summer and is actually really difficult to get one if you don't have any experience in the UK. It gets stressful and upsetting, so I decided to start doing what I used to love few years back, before I even moved in the UK, like 4 years ago.  

I really loved sketching and drawing, because it would "block" the rest of the world and I could just get lost while I created my drawings. I tried Graphic Designs, I was learning Fine Art and I was into Fashion Figures and Designs. Even though I studied something else (English Literature), this is a way of expression and letting your emotions to be shown in the drawings. I love writing and speaking with 'freedom' of speech, which lead me into studying English Literature. I also adore books!!! Books, writing and speaking is also an Art of expression.

However, there are times that writing and trying to express your emotions cannot be written in a piece of paper so you can try different things. This is why I love sketching and drawing. I'm not an expert to it, but I do try due to the few lessons I had. It's a whole other level and is a more creative side of a person who talks less than expressing herself sometimes. I am a straight forward person and no matter what I will say my opinion even if it's harsh or raw. I was never like that; I used to lie to people when I was younger, but not because I wanted to, but because I thought no one would like me if I was telling the truth. That changed. I learned to be true to my self so I can be true to the people I meet.

Knowing people who have jobs that hate to do is something I'm afraid I will end up with. They are studying, or even those who don't have the chance to go to college are trying to get their place in a world where it can be a happy or a sad ending. People who love their jobs and what they do are those I admire the most. They see the chance and they take it without thinking 'I will succeed' or 'I will fail'. There is not succeeding if you don't fail at least once. If you fail more than once, you just have to keep trying. Trying to be positive in order to succeed, occasionally doesn't always work. Every now and then it gets harder and you feel like nothing is working, but you have to be able to keep trying. Nothing ever comes easy, but when it arrives you will gain your confidence back and then you will succeed. 

From time to time, people will test your strength and your abilities, not because they are trying to bring you down, but because they know you can do it. You will eventually realize it and you will be grateful. I am grateful for what I have and what I don't have. Not all of us find everything right there in front of our feet from others who have worked their butts off to be where they are today. Not all of us get opportunities easy. We have to work hard and make our own path in the world. There is always a light at the end of all tunnels and I am looking forward to it. I still believe in me and I do hope for everyone who is trying to find a place in the world, to make it until the end.

My mom keeps saying "Don't worry, everything will be okay. It can't get worse and if it gets it can always get better." She does have a point and I admire her for having the strength and always be positive regardless everything that is happening. The truth is, not everyone has the support from their families in what they do, and some people don't even have families, so I am grateful for mine. Always been and always will be. My mom is my biggest fan since I can remember. When I told her and showed her that I started drawing again I saw that sparkle in her eyes and felt how proud she was. She always used to say that 'despite what is going to happen in your life, never forget what you can do and how many things you can achieve'. So true, but yet somewhere along the way you forget and you just give up things you love to do. Like me, there is always time to get back to it and try again. It will be a good feeling and it can change your 'luck', just because you start believing in yourself.

For the past few weeks I have been drawing and sketching and even painting as you can see below (all the pictures are my drawings/paintings/sketches). Not all of my close people know that I can draw really well sometimes and that's something I haven't really figured out why. Maybe, it's because it was something that was included in my past, a subject that I don't like to talk about. But now that is becoming my present I really want to show it off and say I can do that without caring what reaction I will get. I brought 'back' a piece of myself I used to love and makes me think that I can do whatever I like and be proud for it.

What I tried to say in this post is that regardless what is happening in your life never give up on things that make you feel proud and happy. You deserve to feel happy and be proud of who you are. No one can take your dreams away and there is not a person that should make you feel bad for things you love to do.  Never give up on YOU and always make the best out of yourself in order to become a better person. You may not always feel like things are going well, but it will only get better. Keep trying and stay positive. The only thing you get by being negative is bad mood and be upset. It's okay sometimes not to be okay, but things will get better. I promise you! :)

I hope you liked my post and feel free to comment :)
